Another one?

Well, eventually, I’ll put some :effort: into the site. I did give it a bitchin’ new design, and I’ll eventually get around to updating the LP pages to use the new HTML5 video plugin. But, I’ll be doing the truly maximum :effort: thing here soon. There’s going to be another LP going on soon.

As I mentioned, it’s going to be Majora’s Mask.

Why I’m announcing it without a video or anything? Because it’s going to be the first of many LP done with my BFF.

Our gimmick for this game? We get fucking drunk as hell and play the game. It’s good times. I don’t know why I’m spoilering this, because it doesn’t spoiler in RSS feeds. We’re about half-way through the game, record for like 4 hours every two months. So, I’ll probably upload a teaser here soon, then work on the real thing here eventually.

Who knows, I may post the drinking game here soon!

Today’s secret word is :effort:.

Fuck yeah.

Okay, so it’s totally been a long time. However, I’m now presenting to you a gift: (Or a curse)

I’m going to get rid of as much Flash off of my site as possible. I hate it, it’s a scourge on the internet, and I’d like to be done. So, I’ll eventually be going through my videos and updating them to the new HTML5 plugin I have here. This also means that if you’re totally cool, you can view my videos from your Apple Touch Device. And if you’re using a browser that uses the WebKit rendering engine; you get in browser rendering–meaning less CPU for you, making your machine less crashy. Because Flash sucks so much cock.

Those of you who can’t render h.264, you’ll fallback on flash. But, seriously, get Safari or Chrome.

GOD HAND Closing Credits

And now, this is it.

This is the last update to GOD HAND, until I decide to do some bonus content. But this is the last actual update to the game. Here we are, 55 videos later (56 with the credits) not to mention several bonus videos. This video and the credits are today’s update. I’ll get GOD HAND COMPLETE up as soon as I can. But that’s future, let’s worry about the present.

The final battle between Gene and Azel to determine Olivia’s fate.

It's time to kick some ass!
It's time to kick some ass!

Once you’re done with that, it’s time to check out the CLOSING CREDITS. Obvious link is obvious!

Not gonna lie, this was the most fun to do. While I’ve been waiting to show you the credits since November, the time is here, and I’m sad.

Videos: 64, 3.33 GB (4h 49m 34s)
Initial Update: November 26, 2009
Final Update: January 7, 2010
Number of Updates: 66 (Including GOD HAND COMPLETE)