
Today is a GOD HAND TRIPLE FEATURE! Not quite as awesome as the QUADRUPLE FEATURE as last week, but whatever. Today’s second update rounds out STAGE 4, which means a STAGE 4 COMPLETE!

Only one last hurdle stands between Gene and his goal: A fat man with an energy weapon strapped to his back. Will Gene make it through and stop the Kilo-crab?

This image pretty much summons up how I felt about this stage at this point and time.
This image pretty much summons up how I felt about this stage at this point and time.

Start your day out right, with the GOD HAND!

This video is a turning point in the game. How? You’ll see.

Gene must cross a bridge to advance while the Tree Evil Stooges are hot on his trail. Will Gene make it in time?

Im starting to run out of captions for these images.  Perhaps one level a day was a bad idea?  Oh well, were almost done!
I'm starting to run out of captions for these images. Perhaps one level a day was a bad idea? Oh well, we're almost done!

Baker’s Man.

Bake me cake as fast as you can! What does this have to do with GOD HAND? Hell if I know–the level’s called “You. Me. Pattycake.”

Gene finds himself deeper inside the machine, unsure of where to go. He just flips switches in hopes that something will work. Naturally, the cyborgs will have no part in that.

Beating down more machinery.
Beating down more machinery.