Three times so far! This is STAGE 3 COMPLETE. All of STAGE 3 in one setting.
Today’s actually going to be a weekend quadruple feature. The next video finishes out STAGE 3, which means a new GOD CINEMA page, and there’s also going to be a god tracks UPDATE. It makes up for the fact that this video is 62 seconds long.
Gene finds a walkway littered with puppies. None of them are aggressive, and there seems to be no threats. The walk only leads to one place, a circus tent..

Just because.
There’s an update to the GOD TRACKS page. If you watched the prior update, it’s the BGM to the “team” battle that you have to see.
Listen now (by now, I mean as soon as the page, the flash player and the .m4v load)!
This update is what it’s all about.
It’s the hokey-pokey, and–wait no. It’s the GOD HAND, and it’s going to beat down everything in it’s path. If you only watch one video in this entire LP (you should watch all of them) make it this one.
Gene travels underground and meets a team that wants to destroy him. Oddly enough, they don’t want the GOD HAND..