Oh, fuck, an update!

So, in my long-standing tradition about forgetting about the site for long periods of time, and then coming back strong, have some writings!

I’m also thinking about doing ONE MORE NEW SECTION!!!111

Here’s the meat of this though, find out what I meant about “Unemployment Special” when I started the Link’s Awakening LP.

Welp, here we go, another update.

This one has ACTUAL CONTENT! Don’t tell anyone, there’s not supposed to be content on my site. I’m just supposed to use it to host files. Inconceivable!

Thought, there’s not much content. I just want this here to give you something.

What is this here, I'm not good with the internet.
Let's do it!

When you watch this you’ll realize something: I like to play with iMovie, no matter how tacky it can become.

Get ready! ¡Cabron!

I guess you can prepare for the Majora’s Mask run by reading the Drinking Game!

Yes, we actually went by this for the first four or so hours. Then it was like magically five in the morning. more recent videos are–well, I can’t go around spoiling everything, now can I?

I really wish Safari and OS X by proxy had the iPhone’s autocorrect feature. I’m too used to typing on it, using a keyboard where I have to manually punctuate and shift is hard.

:ireland: :ireland: :ireland: