Today is 15 (FIF-FUCKING-TEEN) years of!
That is all.
Site updates
Today is 15 (FIF-FUCKING-TEEN) years of!
That is all.
There’s a new LP here. Although, currently, it’s just a proof of concept. I recorded two HD videos for it before I realized that I really need a laptop to actually do this–as passing through HDMI is lag free–viewing HDMI through recording software is not.
So, here’s a teaser or two for…
Link’s Awakening Switch
Because, OF COURSE, Link’s Awakening would be my first HDVLP.
I messed around a bit with the header file for the site. The random quotes that appear? Yeah, I added over 50 more of the things. I also changed the layout so that it looks like Little Marin, Songstress of Koholint Island, is saying or singing these things. Image is related.
This is at 50%, since I use one of those fancy Macs that has double the pixels shoved into its display. Not sorry if it’s tiny on your screen. Refresh to see them all! And give me some hits so my ePeen feels HUGE.
You might notice something in the navigation bar. Buttlord GT? Yeah, go ahead and give that page a look. It’s another archive of the early 2000’s webcomic “Buttlord GT”, which is something that all webcomics should aspire to be. But, of course, that’s considerable on their part. Let it be known, this is not my work; it is merely an archive of that work which graced the internet back in 2002-2003.
Without actually linking the domain, this harkens to a project (which I’m still updating) that I started in 2016. Damn, I miss Web 1.0. But we’ve been down that road.
For now, just enjoy the archive!
Oapboap here! It’s now FOUR YEARS LATER, and I have an update for you. Let’s list them!
I think that’s everything for now.