To clarify, I wrote a thing about the internet!
If you enjoy deep, meaningful conversations; or just feeling smart, read it!
The bLOLg. Where I can vent. It’s pretty awesome.
To clarify, I wrote a thing about the internet!
If you enjoy deep, meaningful conversations; or just feeling smart, read it!
So I decided to write a little something.
There’s a new “Letter to the Internet” up already. I thought long and hard about doing it.
Tell me if you think it’s an interesting idea.
I’ve edited my newest “Letter to the Internet” (Volume 3 as of this writing) to include all of the internet references that you may or may not know.
They’re spoiled at the end, mouseover to enjoy.
Metal Gear?!
But, seriously, I have a new “Letters to the Internet”. This is my longest one yet.
It’s also pretty awesome, but kind of :smith:.
(It’s also the 404th entry to )