Until next week.
Funny shit.
Until next week.
Yet again, another image. I will soon have to look over the internet for find more, as I am quickly running out of my stash.
I wanna be the guy that got away with naming these.
If you don’t know:
“Muffin-top” is a generally pejorative, slang term used to describe the phenomenon of overhanging flesh when it spills over the waistline of trousers or skirt in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing. This generally occurs when an individual wears low-rise, hip-hugger pants, or midriff-baring tops that are too small.
Thank you, Wikipedia.
Yet another image post. I know, imagine that. This is an actual honest-to-god product. I need to find out where I can buy them, so I can give some of them to friends. Why? Look at the below image, and you’ll see why.
Whoever made the mold for these candies knew sexactly what they were doing.
The next installation of Weely Wacky Wednesday is an image. This is a real product, you can visit the site here and order some for yourself, if you’d like to. I know I might.
Until next Wednesday!
This is a new ‘feature’ on This bitch is designed to get me visitors. This is where I find something on the internet that is just so damned wacky it makes me laugh.
The First Installment is none other than:
PROTIP: To fully enjoy this update, read it on