Things be good now. I apologize for any viewing troubles you may have had in the few minutes that the site was down.
There should be a Let’s Play! update tomorrow or the next day.
Things be good now. I apologize for any viewing troubles you may have had in the few minutes that the site was down.
There should be a Let’s Play! update tomorrow or the next day. will be going down for a little bit, while I preform a little site backend work. I’m writing this so RSS feeds get it and people don’t come here like “WHAT!?!”
Back soon!
The next part of the Final Fantasy IV narration is now online! It’s a short one, but it has a special bonus: Google Video!
Hello, internets! I have started a new “Let’s Play!” thread. This time we’re going to tackle Final Fantasy IV. But, I’m going to do it a different way. This time I’m going to do a Narrative Style LP.
What’s that? You ask. I take the game’s story and characters, and stay in those bounds, but I write what happens ‘between the scenes’. I get into the character’s minds and try and figure out how they react to what happens. It’s interesting and a good writing exercise.
Read it!
(And tell me how I did. I wish to continue it, but if I suck, then I’ll stop.)
We (read: I) have a new Video Game Article up. This time, if you have not looked, it’s about the DS.