Almost almost there. Sunday, April 26, 2020Friday, December 12, 2008 by Oapboap So, here’s the penultimate map square video!Wizzrobes are hard..
Ohhh, god. Sunday, April 26, 2020Thursday, December 11, 2008 by Oapboap IT’S SO CLOSE!This is a good majority of the video.
Seventy percent is passing, right? Sunday, April 26, 2020Wednesday, December 10, 2008 by Oapboap We’re so so close to being done. And I mean SO CLOSE.Killin' Imps is all in a day's work here.
Let’s do this! Sunday, April 26, 2020Tuesday, December 9, 2008 by Oapboap There’s a mistake in my commentary, we’re DONE with the x-Eye Reefs. I bet nothing on it, but you know, I’m pretty damned sure.Blowin' stuff up with our boat.
Ever more of the map! Sunday, April 26, 2020Saturday, December 6, 2008 by Oapboap Short video this time.Killin' Darknuts with efficency now.