We got us an update late tonight. For those of you who want to be an aspiring member of the twitter community; but aren’t quite sure on how to do so–fear not! I have written you a guide!
You can thank me later.
We got us an update late tonight. For those of you who want to be an aspiring member of the twitter community; but aren’t quite sure on how to do so–fear not! I have written you a guide!
You can thank me later.
I call this one “Let’s rename some holidays”. I give you a completely new take on holiday names.
I have a completely awesome idea for a TOTALLY NEW AND AWESOME LP, since the Yoshi’s Island 100% run is kind of fading.
I am going to need help for this one, though. I will post more details later, but start thinking about it, please!
Oapboap.org has a new theme, and it’s FANTASTIC!
Let me put it this way, it fits the ‘idea’ of oapboap.org to a goddamned ‘t’.
(This post is mainly for RSS people)
Two new old articles have been added to the BLOLg!
How to be a Successful Blogger!
The Windows Drinking Game!