I added a FAQ that was, in no way, a FAQ.
Serious Business
Snakey Chanty
Guess what? My shit don’t work in IE7!
I have to lol.
(Shit, means the side bar!)
Oapboap.org was lacking a good 404 page. I remedied that today. Quickest way to see it is to hit up: http://oapboap.org/404 as it does not exist, nor will it ever. Your shit will 404.
If anyone who reads Oapboap.org (or RSS subscribes) can tell me how exactly to make my PCSX emulator accept disc 2 of MGS, I’d be happy. It can start from disc 2, and read it, but I can’t disc swap. I suppose I could play through it on another emulator and see if that works.
So, um, yeah.
I was bored today and wrote a new blolg entry. I actually wasted upwards of an hour and a half of my life on this, so I hope you can waste upwards of ten minutes to read it.
I think some people will enjoy it. And if you don’t, then you’re a faggot.