Here comes over 40 minutes of GOD HAND! Can you handle it all?

STAGE 6 A Night On Bald Mountain
  • STAGE 6 A Night On Bald MountainGene descends a mountain only to discover more thugs waiting in ambush.
  • STAGE 6 Visiting Tiger JoeA man waits for Gene just to fight him, with moves comparable to Gene's own.
  • STAGE 6 Revered By DemonsA simple puzzle awaits Gene. However, it's devilishly guarded.
  • STAGE 6 Shannon's PetGene must cross impassably large jumps before confronting..a dog?
  • STAGE 6 A Killer Hand!?The return of the Mad Midget Five, just like they promised. Will Gene overcome the Power Ranger rejects once more?
  • STAGE 6 The Last of the Mad Midget FiveThe return of the Mad Midget Five.
  • STAGE 6 Whip It!Gene finally discovers what has happened to the townspeople. They've been enslaved, and it's up to Gene to rescue them.
  • STAGE 6 Stop Before You Hurt YourselfAn old man with telekinetic powers assaults Gene. He seems a bit out of place, even in the world of GOD HAND.
  • STAGE 6 Elvis's WishGene finds a memorial to Elvis. There's only one thing to do..
  • STAGE 6 Shannon RevealedGene, once more, runs into Shannon. Much like Elvis, she too has another form. Will Gene defeat her and save the villagers.


  1. STAGE 6 A Night On Bald Mountain
  2. STAGE 6 Visiting Tiger Joe
  3. STAGE 6 Revered By Demons
  4. STAGE 6 Shannon’s Pet
  5. STAGE 6 A Killer Hand!?
  6. STAGE 6 The Last of the Mad Midget Five (A++ would imitate again)
  7. STAGE 6 Whip It!
  8. STAGE 6 Stop Before You Hurt Yourself
  9. STAGE 6 Elvis’s Wish
  10. STAGE 6 Shannon Revealed


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