I might, might have lost all of my footage for Four Swords Adventures because I nuked my backup thinking I had transferred everything.
Expect the LP in like 2015!
The internet does make you stupid. I'm here to help with that.
Everything on the internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and should be treated as such.
I might, might have lost all of my footage for Four Swords Adventures because I nuked my backup thinking I had transferred everything.
Expect the LP in like 2015!
It’s over, kids. This is the best and worst video.
It’s almost over, kids. Unless we record more. Or I record, and solo the game.
DRUNK. AS. FUCK. Not work safe from here on out, kids!
The following videos are from the last session that we completed. I want to say there’s three videos left after this one. Word of note, we started this session kind of…happy.