The next part of the Final Fantasy IV narration is now online! It’s a short one, but it has a special bonus: Google Video!
Let’s Play!
Pictoral Walk-throughs of my favorite Video Games.
New “Let’s Play!” has started!
Hello, internets! I have started a new “Let’s Play!” thread. This time we’re going to tackle Final Fantasy IV. But, I’m going to do it a different way. This time I’m going to do a Narrative Style LP.
What’s that? You ask. I take the game’s story and characters, and stay in those bounds, but I write what happens ‘between the scenes’. I get into the character’s minds and try and figure out how they react to what happens. It’s interesting and a good writing exercise.
Read it!
(And tell me how I did. I wish to continue it, but if I suck, then I’ll stop.)
Parasite Eve LP, part 17.
And there we have it! The first batch of exclusive content is now available!
It felt good. The exclusive (it’s not bolded this time) content.
Oh yeah.
I’m going to give you a preview of the next update to Parasite Eve, the exclusive content.
Seventy-seven floors of pure, randomized hell.
I’m not kidding, either.
Parasite Eve LP, part 16.
The last (for now) part of Parasite Eve is now up.
(And stay tuned for exclusive content!)